This is a screenshot from my latest Frosta video, where she returns from Etheria to offer advice on social distancing. This is a smattering of my small little record collection. Most of the vintage ones I snagged for $1 a piece, the newer ones were far more dollars, ha ha. I really like the colors and composition of this photo, makes me want to do an illustration of it. I haven’t been listening to as much music despite working remotely. But I have been listening to a lot of Glass Cannon Podcast, it’s easier to listen to while I work.
It’s been years since I’ve read Jane Eyre as well, I remember really relating to her and appreciated how introspective her character was.
What are you listening to or reading to stave off the stress? *Bonus points if you can tell what record I’m blocking with my head (not the yellow and red one above it)