A journey that thousands are currently on, but seldom people see, is the writer’s journey. One of my many passions is storytelling, and over the past twelve years, the thing I love to do that takes hours and hours and hours of my time, few people see. It’s kinda like being pregnant forever and eventually when you do give birth, it’s to full grown people with dramatic arcs inhabiting a world that only existed in your brain for the past decade. My first book “Gypsy Giver and the Thief” was a self-published children’s book that I’m immensely proud of and terrible at marketing. It has sold only around 40-50 copies, maybe, I make $0 on it, but it’s exactly the book I wanted to make. In a stroke of naivete, I thought, I need more experience writing. I’ll write a novel. Twelve years and countless drafts later, I finally have a finished manuscript and am up to 25 queries sent to agents (10 rejections so far, woohoo!) I also have other novels started and in progress and a cache of short stories, too. Still, I’m not great with grammar, commas are still a mystery, and I will never stop learning. I’ll keep you posted on my progress. For all of you aspiring writers out there, I feel your pain and your joy and drop me a line if you want to talk shop or if you’re as naive about publishing as me. I’ve had some amazing cheerleaders out there who have given me so much encouragement (I’m looking at you Towery and Hwang) so, I’m happy to break out the pompoms and cheerlead you on as well.
Frosta immersing herself in the epitome of Earth’s cultural achievements.
What better time to restart my blog than a pandemic!
in Frosta
This is a screenshot from my latest Frosta video, where she returns from Etheria to offer advice on social distancing.
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